About Adventium Labs

Founded in 2002 by Bonnie K. Holub and Brian A. Isle, Adventium Labs, is a research and development lab focusing on the development of advanced software applications for complex systems, with a particular emphasis on automated reasoning, security, and supporting architectures.

Adventium Labs is dedicated to performing and publishing scientific research and to the creation, maturation, and commercialization of intellectual property. We are incorporated as a non-profit organization to provide the freedom to work broadly with universities, technology partners and government entities. Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Adventium Labs brings together an experienced group of people with expertise in each of the three critical components for driving growth: research to feed innovation, translating innovation into commercial use, and building a business to capture value from the resulting offerings.


Technical Staff

Mark Boddy, Ph.D. Automated Planning and Scheduling, Hybrid Reasoning, Constraint Satisfaction Problems

Jim Carciofini Constraint Based Reasoning, Hybrid Reasoning, Multi-agent Collaborative Systems

Todd Carpenter Systems Engineering and Architecture, Real-time, Dependable, and Assured Systems, Mixed-mode Physical, Cyber and Social Risk Assessment

Johnathan Gohde Cyber Security, Automated Planning, Multi-agent Systems

J. Thomas Haigh, Ph.D. Security Architectures for Wired and Wireless Networks, Application of Automated Reasoning Systems to Problems in Cyber Security, Operating Systems and Application Security

Steven A. Harp, Ph.D. Cyber Security, Reasoning with Uncertainty, Decision Support and Automated Reasoning

Steven J. Johnston  Hypervisors, Virtual Machines, Embedded Systems

Martin Michalowski, Ph.D. Record Linkage, Constraint-based Integration, Heuristic-based Planning

Richard O'Brien, Ph.D. Secure System Design, Network and Application-level Cyber Security, Intrusion Tolerant Computing

Charles N. Payne, Jr. High Assurance Computing, Policy Management and Definition, Formal Methods

August Schwerdfeger Parsing and Modular Extensibility, Modeling Languages, Automatic Consistency Checks 

Hazel Shackleton Model-based Development Tools and methodologies, User-centered Design Implementation Design, Next-generation Avionics Systems 

Jason Sonnek Systems Research, Software Enginnering, Security Analysis

Ryan VanRiper Cyber Security, Digital Forensics, Software Architectures

Steve Vestal, Ph.D. Member of Technical Staff

Administrative Staff

Daniel D'Aloia Information Technology

Tim Gavin Administration

Brian A. Isle, P.E. CEO, System Engineering, Effective Business Systems and R&D Organizations, Physical and Cyber Security for Critical Infrastructure 

Rainer A. Isle Intellectual Property Research, Administrative Assistance, Research Assistance 

Kyle Nelson Business Development and Strategy, Automated Reasoning, Information Assurance 

Pat Overstreet Contracts Manager 

Michelle Schahn Controller


Consulting Staff

William Bushnell User Centered Design, System Engineering, Smart Grid 

Carol Muehrcke, Ph.D. Consultant

Erik Schwarzkopf, Ph.D. Real-time Material Testing, Product Design, Development, Installation, and Training, Metallurgical Forensics and Failure Analysis


Board of Directors

Rita J. Heise, M.B.A.

James R. Chiapetta, D.V.M., J.D.

C. McKenzie Lewis III