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Martin Michalowski, Mark Boddy, Todd Carpenter, "Coordinated Management of Large-Scale Networks Using Constraint Satisfaction", Second Workshop on Intelligent Security (Security and Artificial Intelligence) SecArt '10, Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Atlanta Georgia, 07/12/2010. Abstract
Mark S. Boddy, Hazel S. Shackleton, Todd P. Carpenter, Kyle S. Nelson, , INFERRING SYSTEM-LEVEL PROPERTIES, : Adventium Enterprises, 02/20/2009. Abstract
Russell Bonasso, Mark Boddy, David Kortenkamp, "Enhancing NASA's Procedure Representation Language to Support Planning Operations", International Workshop on Planning and Scheduling for Space, 2009  .
Mark S. Boddy, Todd P. Carpenter, Hazel S. Shackleton, Kyle S. Nelson, (Adventium), "System-Level Autonomy Trust Enabler (SLATE)", U.S. Air Force T&E Days, Los Angeles, CA, AIAA, 02/06/2008. Abstract
Robert P. Goldman, Kyle S. Nelson, David J. Musliner, Mark S. Boddy, , Deep Green Seedling: Language for Investigating Myriad Eventualities, , 11/28/2007.
Mark S. Boddy, Maria Fox, Sylvie Thiébaux, "Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling", ICAPS 2007, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, AAAI 2007, 09/22/2007.
Mark Boddy, Johnathan Gohde, J. Thomas Haigh, Steven Harp, "Course of Action Generation for Cyber Security Using Classical Planning", ICAPS-05, 06/05/2005. Abstract
Mark Boddy, Verification and Validation of Autonomy Software, , 2005  .
Bonnie H. Bennet, Mark S. Boddy, F. Doyle, M. Jamshidi, T. Ogunnaike, "Assessment Study on Sensors and Automation in the Industries of the Future: Reports on Industrial Controls, Information Processing, Automation, and Robotics", National Institute of Standards and Technology, 10/2004.
M.S. Boddy, D. Johnson, "Recent Developments in Hybrid Reasoning for Planning and Scheduling", 3rd International NASA Workshop on Planning and Scheduling for Space, 10/2002.
Mark S. Boddy, Bonnie H. Bennett, Brian A. Isle, Rainer A. Isle, "NASA Planning and Scheduling Applications: Emerging Technologies and Mission Trends", NASA Grant NAG-2-1631, 05/2004.
Mark S. Boddy, "Planning and Scheduling Research at NASA: An Assessment", NASA IS program review, 02/2003.
Mark S. Boddy, Steven A. Harp, Kyle S. Nelson, "CLOCKWORK: Requirements Definition and Technology Evaluation for Robust, Compiled Autonomous Spacecraft Executives", NASA Grant NAG-2-1624: NASA, 01/2004.
Mark S. Boddy, "Imperfect Match: PDDL 2.1 and Real Applications", Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, vol. 20, 2003. Abstract
Mark S. Boddy, F. Doyle, M. Jamshidi, T. Ogunnaike, "U.S. Department of Energy, Sensors and Automation Annual Review - Assessment Study: Sensors and Automation in the Industries of the Future", Department of Energy, 06/2003.
Mark S. Boddy, M. Dietz, D.P. Johnson, N. Lamba, "A Method for Global Optimization of Large Systems of Quadratic Constraints", 2nd International Workshop on Global Constrained Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction (COCOS-03), 2003. Abstract
Mark S. Boddy, D. P. Johnson, "A New Method for the Solution of Large Systems of Continuous Constraints", 1st International Workshop on Global Constrained Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction (COCOS-02), Sophia-Antipolis, France, 10/02/2002. Abstract
M.S. Boddy, R. Goldman, K. Krebsbach, D. Musliner, "Abstraction for Real-time Intelligent Control", SARA-98, 05/09/1998. Abstract
Mark Boddy, Kurt Krebsbach, "Hybrid Reasoning for Complex Systems", Symposium on Model-directed Autonomous Systems, Fall/2008. Abstract
Mark Boddy, Robert Goldman, Kurt Krebsbach, David Musliner, "The Link Between Distributed Planning and Abstraction", AAAI Fall Symposium on Model-Directed Autonomous Systems, 11/1997. Abstract
M.S. Boddy, D.J. Musliner, "Contract-Based Distributed Scheduling for Distributed Processing", Working Notes of the AAAI Workshop on Constraints and Agents, Providence, RI, 07/1997. Abstract
Mark Boddy, "Temporal Reasoning for Planning and Scheduling: Lessons Learned", Advanced Planning Technology: AAAI Press, 03/1996. Abstract
Mark Boddy, Robert Goldman, Nick Short, James White, "Integrated Planning and Scheduling for the EOS Core System (ECS)", Proceedings of the 1995 Goddard Space Flight Conference, 1995.
Mark Boddy, Robert Goldman, "Epsilon-Safe Planning", 10th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, WA, 29/06/1994.
Mark Boddy, Robert Goldman, "Representing Uncertainty in Simple Planners, Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning", Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference (KR94), Bonn, Germany, 24/05/1994.
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